Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Julio 10, 2009

Exclusive photo shoots, expensive soccer shoes, and camera flashes were all part of just another extraordinary day at Peru.com! 
Today I arrived at work ready to work on my next assignment, which I soon found out was to attend several photo-shoots/press conferences of the players of this Sunday's Classico, the biggest soccer game in Peru.
We would be going to the events in a team of 3. One journalist would interview the players while the other taped with a large video-camera; and I would take pictures of each player we interviewed and pictures of the events in general.
The first event was at the Lima Adidas Store, which is luckily just down the road from the office.
I still really had no idea what was going on when we arrived, and was shocked by how many journalists, photographers, reporters, and lucky fans in the know were waiting in this rather small shop. As we set up and began waiting for most of the players to arrive, I noticed
two young guys decked out in Adidas clothing head to toe casually checking out an expensive pair of soccer cleats. Occasionally a journalist would saunter up to them and have a friendly comment which would usually result in laughter and a photo. I soon realized that these men were two of the players here for the photo-shoot! 
I couldn't believe how polite the Peruvian press were, if this store were in America, I would think these players would be flocked and not given any personal space. 
But, journalists continued to make casual conversation and leave them alone to look at which shoes they wanted to wear for the shoot.
After all the players had arrived, they posed with their cleats and soccer-balls for a flash-filled couple of minutes. 
By this time, quite a crowd had gathered of curious pedestrians who had seen the commotion inside and wandered in to find some of their idols! They seemed shellshocked and frantically searched for something for the players to autograph. While the press usually pushed these autograph-getters away, they usually managed to be successful. 
I felt like such an insider as the other press members respected my space while taking pictures and would politely push past me for a shot.
After the store shoot, we headed to our next location.
We took a taxi to what look like a normal residential area. I wondered silently "what are we doing here?" and was really confused, but eager to see what was next. Suddenly we entered a small door in the middle of a long stretch of a tall concrete wall. 
Inside the complex I was completely surprised to find a small soccer and photo area filled with press members and players. (I guess at this time it was tough for much to surprise me after being at this internship full of wonderful new things every day.)
Here we interviewed even more players, although this was a pretty exclusive event, with heavy security and no random fan could wander in for autographs.
I still cannot fully believe what I am doing and how lucky I am to have been going to these events I would for sure always just see on TV and say, "I wish I was there"
Chau until my next adventure!

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