Thursday, July 9, 2009

Sacred Valley Journey Julio 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July!
Our day today was a little more relaxed and laid back.
We began the day with a rafting trip down the Urubamba river, which winds it's way through some of the highest mountains in the Andes.
I had never been rafting before, and had no idea what to expect.
Our guide was an easygoing and enthusiastic native peruvian named Sergio, who seemed like a natural at rafting. 
With the combo of a wetsuit, helmet and life vest on I looked pretty ridiculous but I was just happy to have the experience. I actually looked more like I was going to Jump out of a plane than raft, but whatever haha.
We went on Class 3 Rapids, which I guess is average level, but I'm not an expert. It was very fun though and I learned a lot as we passed through ancient ruins and sleepy little towns. It was one of the most peaceful places I have ever been. Despite the thousands of tourists that frantically cram into this valley en route to one of the seven modern wonders of the world; the river is completely quiet, with the only sounds being the cool breeze and a distant rooster announcing the morning. 
At the end of our river journey, we were treated to a Peruvian lunch with fruit and sweet cakes, it was delicious. 
We ate in an open field in the Ollantaytambo village filled with tents of backpackers, one of which was from San Francisco we found out after washing ashore. 
It's a small world, there we were on the Urubamba River and and we stumbled into someone not far from close to where we are originally from. 
After our rafting adventure, we drove back to our hotel and enjoyed a beautiful day. 
On the drive back, we passed by a bull fighting ring, which in this part of Peru is a rare event reserved only for special occasions. 
We topped off the day by seeing an astronomy show and seeing all the stars of the Peruvian Sky

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